Santi Ficarnos writings for internet friends and family

Pirate sign of a skull and swords underneath

Lipton Tea, The Only Tea For Me

I’ve always been a tea drinker, hot or cold, anytime, anywhere. My father’s family came from England and tea was always a big thing, our Daddy really enjoyed his hot tea with a splash of evaporated milk!

Over the years I became very fond of Lipton Tea Bags and would only purchase and/or use Lipton, nothing else had the same taste, but I did cut out the evaporated milk tradition.

Lipton Tea

A close friend collects the Wade figurines that come in the package of Red Rose Tea Bags, so I switched brands in order to help fill out her collection and I look for the figurines when ever I am at a Flea Market or Yard Sale. You would be surprised how many Wades there are out there, some go for a good amount of $$$.

Anyway, my taste buds have gone wacky on me over the past few years, nothing tastes right and I’m very discouraged because I miss enjoying the taste of foods. Maybe I really should look into breaking the habit of smoking cigarettes. I just might look around online and see how much a vape starter kit is going for. I know a lot of people that are using these types of products and most of them are stating that it has helped them to stop smoking all together. I mean it’s worth a shot. Smoking is said to kill your tasted buds and that things taste so much better after about three weeks of putting those coffin nails down all together. That is something to look forward to.

So I decided to go back to Lipton and I’m glad that I did because boy it really does taste good. I might even try drinking a cup of coffee now and then. There are so many varieties to taste and drink