Santi Ficarnos writings for internet friends and family

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Tag Archives: Green

Now Using Rain Barrels

The rain barrels that we have been using for the past 3 or 4 weeks have been working out real well. Only one of them is needing a rain barrel downspout diverter, which I have ordered online today and should be getting next week. It’s amazing how much water gets poured into those things that I have been able to reuse for all kinds of purposes lately.

The garden has been getting a lot of it which is helping with the well water that we seem to have issues with around the end of the summer each year. What makes the house water even better is the Indianapolis Reverse Osmosis that we had installed last year. I am very picky about the water that I drink. It really isn’t cool to be buying water and bringing it into the house. It’s a lot of money and hard labor, besides the fact that the bottles are clogging up up our landfills, unless of course you recycle them, which of course I have always done.

I’m sure this year we won’t be any different with out water usage. Most likely worse with all of the extreme heat we have been dealing with so far.

Now Using Rain Barrels

Salt Water Fuel

While this guy was looking for a way to cure his own cancer by trying out a radio wave generator that he created one day while tinkering in the kitchen, he was able to burn salt water.

Basically his radio wave generator releases the oxygen and hydrogen in salt water and makes an intense flame. Since the world is mostly covered in salt water this type of new fuel would be the best type of clean fuel for the world. If you get a chance check out this great clip on YouTube about salt water fuel and probably one of the coolest inventions ever made this century.

Now Using Rain Barrels