Tag Archives: Business
A Long Road Ahead
Just the thought of our 16 year old daughter leaving the nest, flying off and traveling half way across the world to attend college in Japan in just a few years, gives my wife and I a sickness in our guts that only a parent can understand who is experiencing much the same thing. She is the baby and time just flew right out the window these 16 years and now she is in high school looking at scholarships and deciding what classes and what colleges she is interesting attending in less that two years and how to get there and what type of lodging and/or housing is going to be available when she gets there. So many questions and so little time. It looks like we will need to start spending more time with her while she is still here. Maybe take some road trips together to some various interesting places that she doesn’t need to fly to Japan to see and enjoy!
She has been teaching herself how to speak the language as best as she can using the Internet in her spare time. There doesn’t seem to be any place that teaches Japanese and very few of the colleges that she has looked at offer it either, but she has found a few that she is excited about. They will send her over to Japan for part of her studies which has me more nervous that a cat’s tail next to a rocking chair. She has been looking online a various lodging opportunities like the Osaka Teikoku Hotel and the Rihga Nakanoshima Inn, both sites I have looked at myself and can’t make heads or tails of any of it since I know not a word of Japanese. But I’m impressed that she can. This is going to be a long hard road with this one I can tell you that.
She gets great grades and never gets in any type of trouble, she could use some more community service that colleges really look hard at these days. If there was something Japanese related around here that she could get involved in I’m sure she would jump at the chance, she is totally in love with the Japanese language, their history, their culture and all the Japanese related Animes that are all over the Internet and Pay TV subscribers. Something that I really never got into nor see why they would but I’ve never been a big fan of animation at any time.
Warm and Homey Like
In my house I have to have nice warm earth tone colors. There is nothing more uncomfortable to me than to be in a room that is white and sterile. I can’t imagine living in such an environment which is so popular these days. White walls and lots of shiny metal/chrome pieces and accents are so cool and trendy, but I’d rather be warm and homey myself. The outside of my home needs to be various shades of brown with lots of greenery all around to give it that special touch of looking like home.
As I am not a church going man I do consider myself a Christan and I enjoy talking with other people about various religions, places of worship and opinions concerning the amazing amount of variations there are concerning people’s faith. I have gotten into the habit of displaying various bible verse wall decals that I order online from wallpraise.com. I try to keep them pretty short and simple, nothing hardcore that would be a turn off to a lot of people that visit the place from time to time. The one I have on the wall right now is posted below. I think it’s fitting to have these choice words concerning my home and my family!
Serving The Lord
The house I grew up in had window boxes that I really learned to appreciate years after leaving my parents house. So after living in various apartments and renting rooms, when I finally moved into the first house of my own it was such a feeling of complete freedom that I just exploded with. I still enjoy making my home look and feel better.
Just recently I decided to buy some flower boxes of my own. They are sitting in the garage just waiting to be cleaned out and have some dirt in them. Heck in just a few months it will be time to actually plant seeds in those window box planters and go ahead and install them. I have the seeds all picked out, I just need to grab a few bags of soil next time I’m in Walmart or Home Depot and we will be ready to go.
Tactical Gear
This is the part of the year that I always enjoy. Summer is gone, the days are getting shorter, the evenings are cooling off nicely and hunting season is fast approaching. I’ve always enjoyed hunting since I was a kid when my Dad would take us boys out with him and his friends and we would have a blast camping, fishing and hunting together. It has always been a tradition for us to get together each year and continue our hunting trips and this year shouldn’t be any different unless someone gets ill or something serious like that. Each year I worry that my Dad won’t be up to it, he isn’t getting any younger and his health isn’t the way that it used to be, but so far so good.
I’ve been looking around on the Internet to see if there are any new items that we could use this year. I could use some new magazines and clips for the trip and our tent seemed to be on it’s last leg last year so I do believe that a new would be in order. My Dad got a new rifle for Christmas last year that he is looking forward to using this season, but I’m still going to depend on my old trusty weapon that I’ve used for years. Why mess with perfection?
Marilyn told me about some New Tactical Gear Products that I’ve been gazing at today. I’ve sent the link she sent to my Dad and my brother both in case they feel the urge to buy something new for this year’s trip. It’s a one stop shop for hunting supplies, law enforcement and military equipment that I always find fascinating to view and drool over from time to time. And I sent them a link for commercial fishing boats for sale that they might get a charge out of gazing at.
I can only hope for good health and good weather for us all this season, if all goes well it should be a good time for us all. And hopefully we will bring back some nice dear meat to enjoy all winter long.