Santi Ficarnos writings for internet friends and family

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Tag Archives: Fashion

Obesity Statistics Are A Major Concern

Today’s extreme obesity statistics are a major concern to just about everyone right now. We have become a population of over eaters and of course the cost of the related medical care is eating us alive. I realize that most of the people I know are dealing with weight issues. Being overweight and suffering from those complications are weighing heavily on their mind as well as their bodies. To be honest, there are a few family members who could stand to lose a few pounds, nothing major though, ten to twenty pounds, tops. Something like an Extreme Body Workout or a 90 Day Review Program wouldn’t hurt them any, I’m sure of that.

I’m finding out that there are places to help folks that need assistance. A friend of mine wants to make arrangements to attend a Weight Loss Retreat in a few months, when he is able to take some time off of work. Instead of taking a vacation and just lying on the beach somewhere, he is willing to work on improving his beach body and his health by losing weight and learning new life skills, such as nutrition and exercise.

He found this Weight Loss Resort on the Internet and is excited about the prospect of seeing some results as soon as possible. I wish him luck and hope to see a whole new, healthy and happy person when it’s all over and done with.

New Motorcycle Boots for The Mrs.

Am trying to find a good quality pair on womens motorcycle boots for the Mrs. The boots that she used to wear on the bike were melted beyond repair when last fall she accidentally got her boots too close to the muffler, thank goodness she was wearing boots because she would have had one heck of a burn on her leg.

It really irks both of us to see people riding around with tennis shoes, or worse yet – flip flops. Guess they need to learn the hard way, but the hard way is such a painful way to learn a lesson when you are talking about burns.

Beer Holsters

The wife has come up with some pretty good husband gifts on valentine’s day for me over the years. This year she found a beer holster for me and my father to give us both – which they went over real well. My dad and I do enjoy our cold beer, so you can believe that we will both be using this well made beer holster a lot over the summer months while working out and about keeping our hands free to boot.

Beer Holsters

Today’s Best Credit Repair

Credit Repair is a big to do these days and people are looking for The Best Credit Repair Service available to them in order to help them out of the bottomless pit that credit cards get put you in if you aren’t extremely careful. I have managed to pay off most of my credit card bills, I even had a credit card burning ceremony last year where I literally cut up and burned all but two of my credit cards in an ash tray before throwing them in the fire place as well.

It is important to have at least one credit card, one is manageable enough for most of us, but way too many people have way too many credit cards in their wallet that makes the temptation to use them way too easy. The quicker you cut loose from as many credit cards as possible the better off you will be, let there be no doubt about that. The first of the month, when the bills arrive, continues to come, month after month with no exceptions, no excuses, it can get pretty stressful and cause sleepless nights due to worry about these bills that keep coming.

Too many people have become trapped and have no other alternative then to turn to Credit Repair options that we are hearing about all over the TV, radio, newspapers, magazines as well as the Internet of course. At least there is a way out, it may not be easy, it may not be cheap but it’s there.