2014/2015 Graduation Gifts
Finding the right alvarez guitar case to give to my nephew for his graduation gift this, yes we are all ready looking at graduations for the 2014/2015 school year, has taken me more time that I expected. You see I just want to avoid any hassles with returns or shipping issues or anything that could possibly go wrong with an online order. Don’t get me wrong, I love how the Internet has made shopping for any product or service a much easier task to tackle, but I’ve been having issues with the last couple of orders and I guess I’m getting a bit gun shy.
I did do most of my holiday shopping online this year. Didn’t miss the crowds at the local mall one bit! What I have really taken to the whole idea and concept of gift cards lately. Which is the path I am thinking I am going to take for this particular purchase. That way the heat is off of me and he can make sure he gets what he wants and needs at that time. I’ll be seeing him either over Easter or Memorial Day, well before graduation day gets here and give it to him at that time. Works for me!