Wishful Thinking
Talking with my son about the I.R.S., it made me remember the days when I would get a refund from Uncle Sam and use the money for fun things. These days if and when I get a refund the money goes to things needed around the house, the yard or for any of the vehicles that need work.
The older I get the more I notice that there is so much more to life than getting behind the wheel and putting the pedal to the metal, with the stereo blasting and hauling butt down the highway. Safety has slowly but most assuredly become a huge issue to me. It bothers me that so many people that I know are passing away in violent tragedies, many on the highway. Most could have been prevented.
If I was able to use any or all of the money for something fun I would certainly entertain the thought of purchasing one of the best guitars that I could find for a beginner like myself.
Unfortunately next year I don’t think our refund will be all that exciting, if at all, and if we get anything I’m afraid it will go to pay off a credit card or two.
At the end of the day, it’s all good!