The Good Old Yo Yo
From what I hear those wonderful Profire Yo Yos are making a come back, which is great to hear. As we all have been hearing there are way too many people that are spending too much of their inside either in front on their television or their computer. Not that you have to be outside to use a Yo Yo but at least you have to stand up and step away from all of today’s technology that is always keeping us entertained.
The older I get the more I notice that there is so much more to life than getting behind the wheel and putting the pedal to the metal, with the stereo blasting and hauling butt down the highway. Safety has slowly but most assuredly become a huge issue to me. It bothers me that so many people that I know are passing away in violent tragedies, many on the highway. Most could have been prevented.
Just image if some companies allowed for a couple of Yo Yo breaks through out the day. Maybe once in the morning and then one in the afternoon. Of course these would be separate from the coffee breaks, although one could certainly yo yo and drink coffee at the same time.