2014/2015 Graduation Gifts
Finding the right alvarez guitar case to give to my nephew for his graduation gift this, yes we are all ready looking at graduations for the 2014/2015 school year, has taken me more time that I expected. You see I just want to avoid any hassles with returns or shipping issues or anything that could possibly go wrong with an online order. Don’t get me wrong, I love how the Internet has made shopping for any product or service a much easier task to tackle, but I’ve been having issues with the last couple of orders and I guess I’m getting a bit gun shy.
I did do most of my holiday shopping online this year. Didn’t miss the crowds at the local mall one bit! What I have really taken to the whole idea and concept of gift cards lately. Which is the path I am thinking I am going to take for this particular purchase. That way the heat is off of me and he can make sure he gets what he wants and needs at that time. I’ll be seeing him either over Easter or Memorial Day, well before graduation day gets here and give it to him at that time. Works for me!
Online Degree Programs
It seems that more and more people are taking to going back to school by using any of the numerous online degree programs that are available to the general public these days. My kid brother is currently working on getting his masters in public administration, my sister-in-law is taking rn to bsn online programs as I type this post. I know this because I just got off of the phone with her and she blew me off because she was busy with her many assignments that she is currently in the middle of. And my niece is taking her high school classes online since she isn’t able to attend public school due to her various health conditions that keep her from attending the “normal” classroom settings that most kids are stuck attending. She is doing very well and will most likely be graduating earlier then most of her friends and classmates, which has her and her mother thrilled to pieces.
I have always wanted to go back to school and take some classes that I have gained an appreciation and an interest in these days. Back when I went to school I was too busy with a social life and the love of cars and football, so I really wasn’t interested in what the teachers were trying to get through my thick skull back then. If I did go back to school I’m really not sure if going back to a formal classroom setting or if I would do better using the Internet and all that it has to offer today’s students. Part of me would like to be in a classroom, but with all of the busy schedules around here these days I’m not sure if I could make that scenario work for everyone involved. That is part of me that thinks taking some courses online would be a much better way to go.
I have become very interested in History. The U.S. History of course, but also World History as well and how religion has had such an impact all over the world throughout the centuries. I have read a good amount of books over the years and have learned so much, but I think that I would learn and maintain a lot of the knowledge if I had someone to talk to and compare notes and interests with. And I’m just not going to find anyone who fits that bill around here.